[Public] “A Steamy Romance Novel: Hot and Misty” (longer, 1:54)

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2 half

“…Waiting in the room at the top were two beings of such beauty that he nearly stumbled on the final step. Ā One had long flowing hair the color of the Sunwell itself, and the other kept her ebon hair cropped short. Ā After several long moments of wordless, lust-filled glances, a realization struck him: he was looking into the face of the enemy! Ā He unsheathed his mighty sword, bathing the blood elves in its pulsating glow….”

“Hot and Misty”

Sound: HentAudio
Voice of the brunette: VixxenVA
Voice of the blonde: KarissaPresents

Spread a word between WoW animators – we should make a film adaptation for every Steamy Romance Novel!